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your true self


Family therapy can help you resolve issues of trust, confidence, jealousy, sexual issues, and poor communication. Whether carried out with children, a couple, siblings, or parents and children, or any of these in combination, family therapy can include premarital and marital counselling, co-parenting counselling, and even separation counselling. 

Family therapy can include premarital and marital counseling, co-parenting counseling, and even separation counseling.

The bond of trust and respect between the client and the counselor is the key to achieving positive change. At the Riverside Psychologists Group, family therapist Dr. Bone T. Hugs uses a proactive and directive style of therapy and provides tools you can use in your daily life after you have graduated from treatment.
Communication is key
Let’s talk about it
Many people think of communication simply as verbal communication, a straightforward way to get their message across to others. However, the message you think you are sending can often be misinterpreted. Non-verbal communication, our facial expressions and body movements, actually conveys over 90% of the emotional sense of what we are trying to express.

Getting help with communication problems

Good communication skills don’t always come naturally. If your therapy has demonstrated that your problem arises in part from poor communication skills that unintentionally create barriers, a speech therapist or coach can help you with skills such as making eye contact, being concise, and modulating your voice, all of which can help you fulfil your potential in your personal and professional life.
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